Sunday, April 1, 2012

~ Sunday Send-Out ~

The writing bug has gotten a hold of me! Cards and letters are headed to the UK, Canada and various locations across the US.  Some are for Easter, some are introductions and others are replies.  I feel quite accomplished today.  The envelopes aren't fancy.  All are adorned.  Some are "business in the front, party in the back".  My focus was the content of the letter/card.  At times, I struggle for what to say, but not this day.  Today I was feeling quite chatty and the words flowed onto the paper.

I can't really say what the inspiration was, other than a quote I heard recently.  "Stop living in the past, you can't be in two places at once." This was very meaningful to me.

Have you come across a quotation or heard a statement that resinated with you?

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