Wednesday, July 11, 2012

~ Mid-Week Mail Bag ~

I was out of town for the oh so hot Independence Day holiday, so this week's Mail Bag contains two weeks of correspondence.  

Mail Art indeed!  In addition there were long and lovely letters; beautiful handmade/drawn/adorned cards & envelopes; handmade/created bookmark and...and actual hand ....postcard, that is!

If you do not already know Erin, be sure to see her blog :
I'll be keeping cool from the summer heat by replying to this beautiful bundle of mail goodness!
How are you staying cool?

~Carol B.~

~Anna~ Part I & Part II 

~Anna B.~




 ~Stephanie B~




  1. Wow! You got a lot of great mail...being gone does have its benefits but then you have to catch up! ;)

  2. Hope Part I and II came on the same day!

  3. Part II arrived first. Two days later Part I arrived. Isn't that odd how that happens with mail? I waited until Part I arrived before opening.

  4. Oh wow! Just look at my handwriting! It looks even worse through a picture. I blame it on the ride.. mostly ;) Beautiful incoming L.R.!! I'm about to lay down in bed right now and reply to you! Oh how I look forward to this time of day. :)

    Hugs from LA (Louisiana for all those folks that have Los Angeles on your minds) :)

  5. What a great lot of mail and lovely mail art, too.
